




Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thrilling Thursday - Permission to Spend the day in Bed with a Good Book

Thrilling Thursday - today I am thrilled to give myself permission to spend the day in bed with a good book.

Each Thrilling Thursday throughout the month of September has been dedicated to giving myself permission to do some wonderful things. I have taken a break from my children, followed a dream and taken a bubble bath. Today, I am going to spend the day in bed with a good book. When I was a young girl of nineteen, husband free and child free, I spent many Saturday's in bed with a pile of good books. It was wonderful. A two liter diet Pepsi, a turkey and cheese hoagie and some chips and I could get up at 8 am and stay in bed with my books until 9 pm or 10 pm that night and be happy.

I have not spent a day like that in more years than I can remember. I remember doing it as a young married woman, but not since I have become a mama. Today, I am giving myself permission to spend the day in bed with a few good books, noise cancelling headphones and some good gangsta gospel music. (For those who do not know,there is a big gangsta gospel music scene on the west coast of the United States.)  I am going to get out my party tray: fresh tuna salad, raw string beans, baby carrots, three cans of diet Pepsi, two bottles of Fiji water and some artisan chocolates. I am taking to my bed after I give the children breakfast and I am not emerging until after dinner. I am so excited.  Here are the fist three books my Kindle 3G and I are going to enjoy.


My family has been warned, two months ago I planned this day and told them all about it. The little twin is threatening to bring me food and snacks all day. I don't think she quite gets the "Mommy likes to be alone sometime" idea. I have to find a way to make her understand that part of the fun of this day is being left alone. I am thanking my husband in advance because this day would not be possible without him standing between the children and me. I am excited about my mini staycation.  I have already fluffed the pillows in my mind. I have  special sweet smelling sheets set aside for the occasion. The chocolates I will be eating are divine to the taste, beautiful to the eye and fragrant to the nose.This Thrilling Thursday I am spending the day in bed with good snacks and good books. So, the question for you this Thrilling Thursday is if you spent the day in bed with a good book, what would it be?

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