Fantastic Friday - it is fantastic to find balance so work and home each respect each other.
Each Fantastic Friday throughout the month of December we will be continuing our exploration of ways to balance work and home. In previous weeks we looked at the notions that all work and no play makes you a dull girl, and that all play and no work make you broke. Next week the final Fantastic Friday of December will look at sharing the secrets of your success. Today, the Fantastic Friday discussion is all about building teams at work and home that respect each other.
- photo credit: Sebastiano Pitruzzello (aka gorillaradio) via photopin cc Fantastic Friday, teamwork, work, home, balance, respect, appreciate
If you work or own a business you have responsibilities to that job or business to pur forth your best efforts and to work for the best possible results If you have a family you have a responsibility to be a loving and caring member and to give your best efforts to make your family happy, safe and secure. In the best of all worlds, these two goals do not conflict and you are able to handle both sets of responsibility with ease and grace. In the real world, sometimes your responsibility to one group causes conflicts with your responsibility to the other. In order to remain gainfully employed and to remain part of a happy family you must find a way to get both sides to respect one another.
When you want to have the people at your job or within your business respect your family, you must respect your family. That means you must talk about your family in only positive terms in the workplace. If you complain about your family, those in your work environment will think it is okay to do the same and that you will be willing to forsake family obligations for work. Instead, it is important that you create a reputation at work as someone who loves and respects family. If you treat your family with respect you are in position to demand that your job and business treats them with respect as well.
When you want you family to respect that your work or business is important and the time spent there is for the good of the family. I norder for that to be the case, you must talk to your family about good things at work, not only the bad things. By sharing good things as well as the bad about work and busienss with your family, you let them know there is something worthwhile and good about your work or business. This will help your family to realize that your work or busienss should be treated with respect.
You work and you are the member of a family. It is fantastic to find a way to balance things so that they respect one another. So, the question for you this Fantastic Friday is how do you balance your work and family life to keep both happy?
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