It is magnificent to love what you do, stop procrastinating and take action now so you can be a success.
People tend to like to plan, to create plans to design solutions to problems and situations. I have a friend who has been planning a business for the entire ten years that I know her. She has notebooks full of plans and designs. When she fills up one notebook she copies the most important or best plans into a new notebook and plans some more. When computers and laptops became commodity priced items, she began to copy her notebooks into computer files. On the computer she would search the internet and plan, plan and plan. What she never got around to was taking action, actually doing something with her plans. She always said she would move forward with her business as soon as her plans were in order. As soon as she finished her business plan, her research and her development plans, she was going to start that business. She used the "I'm not ready now, but as soon I get these plans done" excuse to procrastinate starting a business for more than ten years.
- photo credit: photographphil via photopin cc
In order to succeed, we have to stop using planning as a tool to hide procrastination. Planning has to give way to actually doing something in order for us to reach success. Here are a few ideas to help you get from planning to action:
* set and stick to a time limit for research
* mark your calendar for when you will start planning and when you will stop
* find an accountability partner, someone who will pressure you to keep your deadlines and move
* once you reach the start date you have planned, start working the plan
* mark your calendar for when you will start planning and when you will stop
* find an accountability partner, someone who will pressure you to keep your deadlines and move
* once you reach the start date you have planned, start working the plan
It is important to remember that nothing gets done with planning alone. The success comes when you start working on the actual plan. I have been a procrastinator and I have been an action taker. In my experience, it is much better to be a woman who takes action. The principle of inertia tells us that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. In other words the more you sit and procrastinate, the longer you will be set in that mindset. When you start taking action, making steps toward your goals, the more likely you are to stay in motion and complete a task.
In order to stop procrastination and succeed in life, you must take action now. So, the question for you this magnificent day is what are you going to take action on now?
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