It is fantastic to balance obligations at home and work by avoiding concentrating on either area to excess. Excess is commonly defined as an amount that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable. It is not ideal to live in excess. Balancing our obligations to home and to work is a balancing act. When I think of it I always think of a seesaw with the things I need to do for home on one side and the things I need to do for work on the other side. A reality is that many women work at home and outside the home. Increasingly women are working for others, but working from home. In either case, if you are like me a woman who has obligations at home and in the workplace, it is sometimes hard to find the time to manage to get both done and to lead a balanced life.
I am a woman who works at home, and know it is very easy to slip into working during all my waking hours. I like to work and enjoy the mental challenges of the work I do.
At the same time, I have a wonderful husband and four terrific children, all of whom who want my time and attention. This means that in order to keep my family happy and in order to continue getting paychecks, I must find a way to balance all I am obligated to do. In order to make it all work my favorite organizational and behavioral tool has become my calendar. I have scheduled my personal and professional obligations on a calendar that I am able to access via my computer, the internet, my telephone and my tablet.
I have my family, my consulting business, a job with a social media advertising company, a new position helping someone with her social media outreach, partner with a business promoting a community of writers, and write this blog. There are a few balls I am keeping in the air. For this reason, I schedule everything according to how it fits into my schedule. I schedule everything from laundry, to school work, to time on Facebook. I have created a separate calendar or each area of life and work and have color coded each area. This means when I look at my calendar I immediately see not only everything that is due, but in which area of life things are due.
It really is fantastic to balance obligations at home and at work. So, the question for you this fantastic day is what is your trick for balancing obligations at home and at work?
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