




Friday, August 17, 2012

Fantastic Friday - Being Frank with a Friend

Fantastic Friday - sometimes the most fantastic thing you can do for a friend is to speak frankly.

 In this, the third in our Fantastic Friday friendship celebration series, I am writing about the importance of being frank with a friend. It is important to be frank when dealing with friends because sometimes our friends do things that are inappropriate, unacceptable or wrong. When our friends begin traveling of onto the wrong path we need to have a frank discussion and tell them to get back in line. Your ability to be frank in the proper way can save a friend and a friendship.

When we are frank with another person, we are open, honest and to the point with that person. To speak frankly means to be direct, unreserved and without subterfuge. While frank means we do not hold punches when we speak, it does not mean we speak without care or feeling for how our words will effect the listener. In this case, we are talking about speaking with a friend. We should speak to our friends with care for their feelings as well as a desire to provide true and honest information.

The Winans "A Friend"

Once in a while a friend may do or say some really off the wall stuff. At those times you have to tell a her she is out of her mind or needs to get her act together. For example, if you have a friend with a good husband who is acting like a fool, taking him for granted, being disrespectful or even cheating, she needs to be talked to frankly. It is your duty to speak with her in an open and honest way and let her know while she may be having fun, she is making a huge mistake and she needs to get her act together and turn her behavior around. 

asqWhile being frank, you must choose your words carefully. If your words are too harsh or without care, your friend will not listen. If your words are too soft or too jokingly said, she will not take you seriously. It is important to find the right balance, search for it and when you find it, hold on to it. Friendship is work, but if you have a good friend, she is worth the effort. Learning to speak to our friends frankly is an important skill that we should all hone. So, the question for you this Fantastic Friday is do you have any friends with whom you need to have a frank conversation?

Add a link to your favorite post about being frank with a friend, be sure to check out the posts ahead of yours.

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