




Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sensational Saturday - Better Blogging, Better Business

Sensational Saturday it is sensational to read interesting things and improve your skills as a blogger and as an entrepreneur.

Each Sensational Saturday I am going to give you some great articles on blogging and business that I have found interesting during the past week. Be sure to check both sets of articles, there is often relevant overlap!


For Bloggers


  1. Many bloggers are interested in monetizing or making money with their blogs. I read an interesting article this week from my Facebook Friend, A Proverbs Wife  wrote this interesting article on how to do just that. http://aproverbswife.com/affiliates-2

  2. Some bloggers blog for personal pleasure and some blog to get their words out to as wide an audience as possible. This article from the Niche Mommy Network gives some great ideas on how to get more page views for your blog posts. http://www.thenichemommy.com/get-more-page-views-for-blog-posts/

  3. There are bloggers who syndicate their content on a variety of social media outlets. Here is an interesting aritlce that tells  bloggers how to get Tumblr  functionality on Word Press blogs. http://diyblogger.net/tumblr-functionality-for-wordpress-bloggers?utm_source=DIY+Blogger+NET&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=089d40e3e0-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN

  4. Bloggers are constantly wondering how their work is being received in the market place. This is an interesting article on what to look at when analyzing your blog's performance. http://www.momcomm.com/2011/07/five-things-to-watch-in-your-blog-analytics/

  5. Many bloggers I know are looking for ways to turn their blogs into e-books. This article has some nice ideas for doing just that. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/3-easy-ways-turn-blog-ebook-free/


For Entrepreneurs


  1. Entrepreneurs are increasingly using social media to market and publicize their business efforts. This article has some great tools for using social media wisely and effectively. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/24-must-have-social-media-marketing-tools/

  2. I am a contributing editor for Project Eve.com, the ultimate networking site for women. The following article is from one of my ProjectEve.com fellow writers that explains why entrepreneurs need to get active on Google+. http://projecteve.com/m/blogpost?id=6468698%3ABlogPost%3A43821

  3. Almost everyone has heard the expression, it takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to raise a business. Check out this article on Mastermind Groups and see how you can apply these lessons to your business. http://nacwe.org/10-ways-a-mastermind-group-can-propel-your-business-to-the-next-level/

  4. Almost everyone has heard of Pinterest and how individuals are pinning up a storm. Pinterest is now open for business accounts as this article details. http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33839/pinterest-finally-rolls-out-business-accounts-how-to-set-yours-up-today

If you come across an interesting article for bloggers or business people you would like me to highlight here, please email it to me at: janeanedavis@janeane's world.com

Sensational Saturday - it is sensational to get better at what you do. So, the question for you this sensational Saturday is what steps are you taking to make your blog and business better?


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