




Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Better Blogging and Better Business

In this article I am going to give you some great articles on blogging and business that I have found interesting during the past week. Be sure to check both sets of articles, there is often relevant overlap!

For Bloggers

1.     Many bloggers write purely for the sheer joy of getting words and ideas from their brains onto blog sites. There are other bloggers who write for money, to earn a living. For these bloggers, this article from the people at Hongkiat.com will give you ideas on where to go to get paid for writing blog posts and articles. http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/sites-to-get-paid-blogging/

2.   Bloggers like most people use Facebook for a variety of reasons. This article from Blogging Basics 101 talks about how the various Facebook rule changes may impact how a blogger runs contests on a blog site.  http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/2013/03/5-reasons-not-to-ask-for-facebook-likes-comments-and-shares-for-your-giveaways/

3.  RSS feed services are heavily relied upon by bloggers for a variety of purposes. Now that Google has announced Google Reader will be done away with in the near future. This article by a writer with competitor Feedblitz talks about the demise of Google Reader and why RSS feeds are here to stay.  http://www.feedblitz.com/rip-google-reader-first-thoughts/

4.  Bloggers are often concerned with Google rules about syndicating articles and duplicate content. This article from Google explains how they view syndicated articles and how they view duplicate content on a site. http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=66359

5. Changing fonts in Wordpress is a task that has driven more than one bloggger to consider throwing her computer through a window.  This article from Lexilyn Studio may help keep some computers safe. http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=66359

better blogging, better business, improvement

For Entrepreneurs

1.     Entrepreneurs are increasingly finding that LinkedIn is a good tool for making connections and developing relationships. This article from Virtual Social Media discusses how to use LinkedIn groups for business purposes. http://www.virtualsocialmedia.com/how-to-use-linkedin-groups-effectively-for-business/

2.  Entrepreneurs are increasingly learning the power of blogs and bloggers. This article from Smart Boy Design tells entrepreneurs how to write a corporate blog.  http://smartboydesigns.com/2013/03/18/write-corporate-blog/

3.  For entrepreneurs, it is always time to think about taxes. This article from the people at Daily Worth discusses the rules for deducting home offices on a tax return. http://posts.dailyworth.com/posts/1729-home-office-check-deduct-it-hmmmm#.UU2mYxyG2So 

4.  While entrepreneurs are increasingly learning the importance of social media, often they are making mistakes with application.  This article from Stream Feed explains why social media efforts may not be working. http://www.steamfeed.com/social-media-not-working-for-you-heres-why/

5.  One thing that is certain to drive entrepreneurs insane is email. This article from The Self Employed gives five ways to get a handle on email. http://theselfemployed.com/technology/5-no-fail-ways-to-take-control-of-your-email/

If you come across an interesting article for bloggers or business people you would like me to highlight here, please email it to me at: janeanedavis@janeane's world.com. It is sensational to get better at what you do. So, the question for you this sensational day is what steps are you taking to make your blog and business better?

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