




Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Power – What Is It Good For

power- don't use it only for evil www.janeanesworld.com
 It is terrific to learn that power can be used for good and does not have to be used to hurt those around you.  One definition of power found in *** Dictionary  is the |”ability or capacity to do something,” “control or dominion or a position of control, dominion or authority,” and “a person who exercises control, influence or authority.”  These definitions, in and of themselves are not inherently negative, harmful or bad. This means that neither power itself or the exercise of power should be seen as negative or something to avoid or fear. Many people have heard the expression, “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This means that it is not power itself that is the problem, but how one uses power that causes problems. More »

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Take Action Now and Appreciate Your Plans

show your plans some appreciation, take action now

It is magnificent to take action now and show your plans some appreciation. Almost everyone has heard the expression, “if you fail to plan,you plan to fail.” As a result, each day people sit down and plan what they will do, when they will do it and with whom they will do it. There is often joy in the planning process and with gathering organizing and planning devices, penciling in appointments and writing plans in pen and adding the plans to various electronic devices. Do not plan in vain, the best show of appreciation you can give your plans is to take action now and get them done. More »

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Want Your Business To Run Better – Know What Everyone Does

It is thrilling to know that you can make your business run better if you know what every department does.   Almost everyone has heard the expression, “knowledge is power.” When it comes to operating your business, this is definitely true. Take time right now to look at your business. Do you know everything it takes to make your business run from day to day? If the answer is yes, excellent. If the answer is no, get out a pen and some paper, take notes, there is some work for you to do.

Looking for a Job – Go For Your Dream Job

work the job now while waiting fo rthe dream www.janeanesworld.com
It is wonderful to keep your dream job in mind when searching for a job. Every person who works for a living, whether a 9 to 5 employee, a freelancer or an entrepreneur has a dream job in mind. A dream job is a job that offers the right pay, benefits and working conditions. We all want dream jobs, dream clients, dream circumstances. The reality is that many of us have to take right now jobs while we are waiting for the dream job to show up. This means we must do a good job and appreciate the right now jobs we have while we prepare for the dream jobs.

Stop Procrastination – Finish What You Start

don't procrastinate www.janeanesworld.com
It is terrific to know you can beat procrastination if you finish what you start. Procrastination is that thing that causes us to put off until some future date the things we should be doing today. Procrastination hurts productivity, profitability and self-esteem. One way to kick procrastination in the butt is to finish what you start. Instead of starting and stopping many jobs during the day, pick a job, start it and stick with it until it is done. More »

Take Action Now to Keep Your Marriage Happy Over the Long Term

www.janeanesworld.com nurture your marriage
It is magnificent to take action now and make a happy marriage work-long term. This space is usually devoted to tips, advice and encouragement to take action now to accomplish something in your professional life. My readers are mostly working women, many of whom are married or wish to be married. At the encouragement of a wonderful Facebook group to support Christian wives, a prepared this specialedition of take action now – how to take action now to make a happy marriage last long- term.

Stop Procrastinating – Some Stuff Isn’t That Important

Prioritize-your-to-do www.janeanesworld.com
It is terrific to know that you can stop procrastination by realizing that some stuff just isn’t that important. Procrastination is that thing that makes you put something on hold until a later date. It is an idea almost everyone on earth knows and understands. In fact, it is so common a problem that almost every school child learns the expression, “never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.” More »

Take Action Now – What Are You Afraid Will Happen?

It is magnificent to take action now and stop being afraid of what will happen. A lot of space on this blog is devoted to the idea of take action now. This idea is important because nothing gets accomplished until someone steps up and take action now. One reason people do not take action now is because they are afraid. Today is a good day to look at that fear, push it aside and take action now. More »

I Like Numbers and I Cannot Lie

It is wonderful to sit down and examine the numbers behind our thoughts, ideas and opinions. Numbers, numbers, numbers. I really like numbers. I am the kind of person who does Calculus for fun at home when I am bored. (Though with four kids, a husband, a dog and a cat, I don’t get bored often.) Often people are surprised to learn I like numbers because I like reading and writing so much. More »

It Is An Honor to Be Nominated for a Black Weblog Award

The older people among my readers will remember Susan Lucci from the daytime soap opera All My Children. She was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award nineteen times before she won an award. Susan and other people like her often said, “It is an honor just to be nominated.” Those words are true. When you are nominated for an award or considered for special recognition, it is an honor. Even if you do not win, it is an honor, something you should be proud of, something you should be happy to share with the world. 

Take the Mystery Out of Why You Don’t Take Action Now

learn what stops you so you can take action now www.janeanesworld.com
It is magnificent to take the mystery out of why you do not take action now so you can move forward and accomplish your goals. Take action now means to step up now, this very moment and do what needs to be done. When you take action now you move forward towards completing and accomplishing your goals. One thing that keeps people from taking action now is that they do not know why they do not act. For these people the reason they do not move from plan to action is a mystery.