It is fantastic to know you can balance work if you organize your life the right way. Almost every day I field questions from friends, associates or co-workers about how to balance work, home and everything. They wonder how I am able to keep all the balls in the air. Often they are looking for the magic bullet or secret potion that makes balance possible and easy. The fact is, there is no magic bullet, no secret potion. If you want to balance work and home it is hard, but it can be done. It is a matter of making hard choices, accepting that and sticking to the choices you make.
Here are five tools I use to balance things and keep it all together.
1. Use the calendar on your smart phone and set alarms.
2. Make a plan that includes your family.
3. Tell your family that they must respect your work hours.
4. Tell clients and co-workers they must respect your personal time.
5. Respect the schedule you create.
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