Sunday, September 22, 2019
Friday, August 12, 2016
Creating Confidence Webinar 8/24/16 at 1pm EST
Join us on August 24, 2016 for a 30-minute webinar that will change your life!
You can create all the confidence you need before you leave bed in the morning.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to confidence is that it is not a question of whether or not you can be confident. You can be confident if you choose it.
Confidence sometimes comes and goes. Confidence is something that you can renew moment by moment and day by day. Join us and we will show you how.
Creating Confidence - You Can Do It
This article is about getting dressed with confidence feeling confident before you get out of bed each morning. This article is the first in a new series on creating confidence. I started my blog, Janeane's World in part because I was trying to find a way to put myself in the right mental frame of mind at the start of each day. I had a husband, four children and a dog. My days were busy and stressful so I started a new blog full of motivational paragraphs. I wrote positive things each day in order to talk myself into having a good day. Each day I would post a happy status on social networking sites to guide my behavior for the day. I named the days as follows: Serene Sunday, Magnificent Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thrilling Thursday, Fantastic Friday and Sensational Saturday . Over the course of time, those motivational sentences became paragraphs, blog posts and articles. Now those articles have turned into books, webinars and e-courses. . Over the course of time, those motivational sentences became paragraphs, blog posts and articles. Now those articles have turned into books, webinars and e-courses.
As the articles in this series will indicate, confidence is not some mysterious thing that only the successful people have. Confidence is something every person can have if she so chooses. One of the first things you must do if you want to have an attitude of confidence is look at each day as a new opportunity to shine and accomplish great and wonderful things. In order to do that, I have renamed all the days. Instead of merely calling each day by its name, I attach an adjective to each day. The adjectives give a sense of expectation to each day. The adjectives encourage you to behave in a way that will make the adjectives come true. Here is what I call each day:is look at each day as a new opportunity to shine and accomplish great and wonderful things. In order to do that, I have renamed all the days. Instead of merely calling each day by its name, I attach an adjective to each day. The adjectives give a sense of expectation to each day. The adjectives encourage you to behave in a way that will make the adjectives come true. Here is what I call each day:is look at each day as a new opportunity to shine and accomplish great and wonderful things. In order to do that, I have renamed all the days. Instead of merely calling each day by its name, I attach an adjective to each day. The adjectives give a sense of expectation to each day. The adjectives encourage you to behave in a way that will make the adjectives come true. Here is what I call each day:: is look at each day as a new opportunity to shine and accomplish great and wonderful things. In order to do that, I have renamed all the days. Instead of merely calling each day by its name, I attach an adjective to each day. The adjectives give a sense of expectation to each day. The adjectives encourage you to behave in a way that will make the adjectives come true. Here is what I call each day:
Magnificent Monday
Terrific Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Thrilling Thursday
Fantastic Friday
Sensational Saturday
Serene Sunday
Think about it for a moment. If you think of Monday as Magnificent Monday, you expect something really great to happen. Simply adding that adjective will cause you to look for, expect and attempt to do magnificent things. Last week Monday was the day that forced you back to work after the weekend ended. This week you have Magnificent Monday and you are going to look for magnificent things to celebrate. You will be reminded that magnificent things come in packages of all sizes. The magnificent thing may be a new promotion at work. Or the magnificent thing may be that you got to work on time and had a great cup of coffee to start the day.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Find Serenity and Joy With Strong Household Traditions
With just a little effort, you can create household traditions that will make life easier and happier for your family. A happy family leads to a happy life.
Household traditions don't have to be big to make great and lasting memories for your family.
Participating in household traditions is a way for families to bond, create wonderful memories and have things to look forward to doing again and again. All too often, parents think that they must make grand gestures in order to create happy memories and lasting household traditions. This could not be further from the truth. Often what impresses our children and creates lasting memories for our children are things that cost little money. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with having family traditions that cost a lot of money and are extravagant in nature. The best household traditions are custom-made for each family. By way of example, I will share a few household traditions that my family and I enjoy. Check out this list and see what you think of them:
- ice cream at Wendy's after ballet recitals
- Saturday YouTube day
- Cheese and meat platters for New Years Day
- Compliment Day
Please click here to read the rest of this article at it's original home on Janeane's World.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Use Your Technology in A New Way at Home

It is fantastic to find ways to use your technology to make life easier at home by using some tricks from work.
Most people who have smart phones for work are used to using the phones
to text and have video conferences. The phones are seen as part of
their lives and as a way to communicate better with everyone in the
workplace. Those same communication, time-saving, and efficiency tools
make life easier at home.
Naysayers -Tell Them To Shut Up

It is terrific to realize that you can control the naysayers in your life by telling them to shut up! In all my roles including: wife, mother, advisor ad writer I am always a cheerleader. Anyone who has a dream can always count on me to push them toward their dreams and to believe they can reach the stars. It costs me nothing to believe in the power of another person's dreams. In fact I gain when I believe in someone else's dreams and help them achieve. The person who gets the benefit of my pushing and cheerleading gains support and an accountability partner. It is an easy win-win for us both.
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Want Big Things - Start Now - 52 Weeks Savings Challenge

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