




Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sensational Saturday -Finding Sensible Ways to Make It

Sensational Saturday-my days are over full of people to love and things to do so I need a sensible way to get more done.

Sometimes I think my life would be better if I found a way to get more done each day. At other time, I think my life would be improved if I spent more time doing enjoyable activities. There have been occasions when I thought the secret to successful living could be found in the loving embrace of my children. I even admit I experimented with ways to make each day 28 hours instead of 24 in my part of the world. But, alas and behold, none of these solutions turned out to be feasible.

So here I sit, searching for ways to get more done each day. Like  most of you I have read books on time management including these:


Every one of these books has a slightly different approach. One thing they all have in common is the fact the there is no secret to getting done everything that needs to be done. I think the truth of the matter is that the most sensible approach to getting done, what needs doing is to admit sometimes work sucks, but it has to be done.


So the question for you this sensational Saturday is what sensible solution do you have to getting more out of each day?


  1. Oh man, I wish I knew the answer to this question! One thing I need to do is get organized. I could get so much more accomplished if I was better at organizing and planning things ahead of time. Something simple like pulling Ayva and my clothes out for the week would probably take 10 minutes, but searching and digging for clothes every morning takes about 10 minutes each day. That's 40 minutes I could be saving right there!

    1. It is amazing how many minutes we know we could save by doing things in advance, but we don't do it. I have to force myself to do more things in advance to save time in the long run.

  2. I make a sticky note with check boxes and next to each check box I write down the things that NEED to get done. I tell myself you need to do at least one item on the list. Once I finish the first task, I check it off and I get inspired to want to check off another box of completion. Anything that doesn't get done that particular day I keep it out for the next day to do, until all the boxes are checked off

    Stopping by from FBF on Chasing Joy

  3. It's nice you have a system that works. I am still looking for that.
