




Friday, September 7, 2012

Fantastic Friday - Use it for Good - Job Loss

Fantastic Friday - it is fantastic to find a way to use a job loss for good.

Each Fantastic Friday throughout the month of September will focus on how to use a bad life happening for a good end purpose. I will look at job loss, divorce, children growing up, and friends moving on. These are typically things that cause us stress, distress and sadness, but through these posts I will give hope, support and perhaps a smile to people who are dealing with each of these areas of loss.

businessToday's post will deal with finding the good in losing a job. It is easy to be upset when you lose a job. The loss of a job can lead to loss of income, home, possessions and lifestyle. The reality of life in America is that we need income in order to survive. When a person loses her job, it is natural for her to feel afraid and wonder how she is going to handle all her responsibilities and meet her financial obligations. What she needs to do is plan and get moving.  This is another of those situation that calls for putting on your big girl panties and getting on the move.

After a job is lost, it is time to take stock and come up with a plan to carry on. One way to carry on is to look for the good in the situation.  The following are a few of the good things that can be found in a job loss:

1.     You have the next day off. No matter how much a person loves her job, everyone enjoys an occasional day off.
2.     You have the chance to explore new opportunities. Sometimes we do not take chances and look for new opportunities because we get comfortable with the current job.
3.    You have the opportunity to start a new business. If we are not working 9 to 5 for someone else, we have the opportunity to start working for yourself.
4.   You have the chance to get a new job. We often stay at jobs we do not not like and do not fulfill us because we don't have the gumption to check out the classifieds.
5.     You have survived the worse case scenario. We are often afraid of the devastation that will be caused by a job loss. Once we have lost our jobs and are alive to tell the tale, we can pull up our big girl panties and keep moving forward.

Donna Summer "She Works Hard for the Money"

The point of this post is to give encouragement. The loss of a job and the perks that come with employment can be hard to deal with. But, keep in mind, there is light at the end of the tunnel and life can be better after the loss. So the question for you this Fantastic Friday is what silver lining can you find in the of a job?

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